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          Zibo No.11 Middle School of Shandong Province


            首頁 > 國際教育 > 雄厚師資



          After studying in CZSS for 1 year, my English level has improved a lot and I really enjoy my Canadian classes and the life here.




          We usually have Ms de Beer’s social study class in the first period and she is really strict with us. She often gives us many assignments to do and it is not easy to pass her test. We need to study really hard to pass this subject. But we really learned a lot from her lessons and we know it is good for us.

          通常我們的第一節(jié)課是Ms de Beer’s 的社會學課。Ms de Beer’s是一位非常嚴厲的老師,她經(jīng)常給我們布置大量的作業(yè),并且社會學這門課的考試難度也非常高,通常我們需要花大量的精力,才能順利完成這門功課的學習。雖然難度大,但是我們卻可以從中學到許多知識。

          Then we have Mr Wilson’s pre-calculus class. He is a really kind and easy going teacher. When we come to his classroom, he always smiles to us. I think he is a really responsible teacher and he gives us worksheets to do when he finishes his lesson. Pre-calculus is not a very difficult subject for us and everyone can get good marks if they study hard.

          接下來我們上的是Mr Wilson的預備微積分這門課。Mr Wilson是一個脾氣性格特別友好的老師,每當他走進教室,都會帶著一臉的笑容。Mr Wilson也是一位非常負責任的老師,每堂課結束后,他總會給我們安排相應的練習題。預備微積分并不是一門非常困難的課,我們可以通過刻苦學習取得一個非常理想的成績。

          Next class I am going to introduce is Communications and our teacher for this subject is Mr de Lange. We learn some basic writing skills and reading skills in his lesson. At the moment we are learning propaganda and we need to create our own propaganda. I think it is a really interesting assignment and he hopes we will enjoy it.

          我們的交流課老師是Mr de Lange。在交流課上,我們學習了許多寫作和閱讀的基本技巧。目前,我們正在學習運用各種不同的宣傳手法、并練習如何運用這些知識來達到宣傳的目的。Mr de Lange希望我們能發(fā)現(xiàn)其中的樂趣,而我也確實感到這些知識非常的有趣。

          Physics is the hardest one among all these subjects and we also have a very strict physics teacher, his name is Mr Jhunex. He seldom smiles in his class and when we make mistakes, he will criticize us. I think he has a poker face. Many students are really afraid of him. But actually, he is a really funny teacher. He often tells jokes when he teaches the physics question so that will pay attention to him. We also do many experiments in his lesson and we need to know how to write a lab report. It is hard to pass this subject but we won’t give up.

          Mr Jhunex是我們的物理老師。物理是我們所有學科中難度最高的一門學科,而他也是我們所有老師中最嚴厲的一位。他在課堂上很少會露出笑容,一旦我們做錯事情,他更會非常嚴厲的批評我們。許多學生都非常的怕他,認為他長了一張“撲克臉”,但其實他是個非常有趣的人:為了能讓我們集中精力,他經(jīng)常在講題的時候穿插著笑話。物理課上,我們也經(jīng)常需要做實驗,然后完成英文的物理實驗報告??傮w來說,這門課非常的難,但是我們卻從不放棄。

          Ms Ramroop is our English teacher and I think English is a very complicated subject. It is different from the English lesson we used to have in junior high school. We need to learn poems, novels, short stories and all kinds of literary terms. In addition, English is our second language, so it is more difficult for us to learn this subject. But Ms Ramroop is a really nice teacher. She helps us to improve our English skills a lot. We are reading a novel now and she says if we keep on reading our book, our English skill will improve a lot.

          Ms Ramroop是我們的英文老師。不同于之前的英文課,中加班的英文課難度更大。我們需要學習寫作英文詩歌,閱讀英文小說及其他相關的英文文學,對于英文作為第二語言的我們來說,這些學習任務難度相當?shù)拇?。Ms Ramroop是一位非常好的老師,通常她會要求我們讀很多英文小說,她經(jīng)常告誡我們,大量的閱讀可以提升我們的英文能力。在她的幫助下,我們的英文能力真的提高了很多。

          Overall, I really enjoy the life here and the teachers are really nice to us. I hope I will improve a lot when I graduate from CZSS.



              友情鏈接:     淄博文明網(wǎng)  |  淄博市教育局  |
          版權所有:山東省淄博第十一中學 2018-2019   

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