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          Zibo No.11 Middle School of Shandong Province


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          The brown leaves are floatinglike butterflies in the wind. It is getting colder and colder, and people are wearing heavy cotton-padded clothes. But if you see a group of westerner in short sleeves and slacks on the campus of No.11 middle school, it's no doubt that they are my foreign teachers.

          已是嚴(yán)冬,褐色的樹葉枯葉蝶一般飄蕩在風(fēng)中的初冬早就走遠(yuǎn)了,天氣越來越寒冷,人們都穿上了厚重的棉衣……但,在十一中校園里,卻有一群人很例外:他們?nèi)源┲绦?、單? 他們來自一個地域更加廣袤、緯度更高的國度,他們就是我在中加班的外教們。

          Following a strong smell of men's perfume, go to the end of the corridor and enter classroom 516, "Good morning." said Mr.Wilson in a low, magnetic voice. Mr.Wilson always wears a dark shirt and tie, a black pair of trousers and a pair of black Nike sneakers. He likes to unroll his sleeves and tie them up. He encourages us to answer questions actively, no matter the answer is right or wrong. "Great, right, good." He uses these words to encourageus. In order for us to improve our spoken English, he also lists the rules that not to check the dictionary without asking him questions first. At the end of the class, he standsat the door, says goodbye and wishesus a good day.

          順著一股濃郁的男士香水味,走到國際部五層走廊的盡頭,進(jìn)入516教室?!癎ood morning.” Mr. Wilson每天用他低沉且富有磁性的嗓音歡迎我們的到來。Mr. Wilson總是穿一件深色襯衫配領(lǐng)帶,一條黑色西褲和一雙黑色耐克運動鞋。他喜歡把袖子口解開擼到上臂去。他鼓勵我們積極回答問題,無論對錯?!疤袅耍瑳]錯,很好。”是他經(jīng)常用來表揚我們的話語。為了讓我們更好的鍛煉口語,他制定了不問他問題就不準(zhǔn)查字典的規(guī)定。下課時,他會站在門口和我們說再見,并祝我們有一個美好的一天。

          In the Planning classroom, you can always smell a strong coffee scent, no sugar, no milk, a bit of bitterness. This is in line with Mr. Aubin's character, he is responsible, rigorous, and seriousness. He has an optimisticandpositive attitude, which makes me respect him incomparably. In class, the most words he says: “English.” As the headmaster, he hopes that we can adapt to a pureEnglish environment as soon as possible. This is our "A Bing"

          在Planning教室,你總會聞到一股香濃的咖啡味,不加糖不加奶、帶著苦澀的味道。這很符合Mr. Aubin 的性格,負(fù)責(zé)、嚴(yán)格、認(rèn)真。他有一個樂觀、積極的態(tài)度,讓我對他無比的敬重。課堂上,他說的最多的單詞就是:“English”。作為校長,他肯定是希望我們能盡早盡快地適應(yīng)英語課堂。這就是我們的“阿炳”校長。

          etimes, his loud voice can suddenly startle you. He likes to talk about everything in a funny way. His classes are very happy and interesting. The English words and mathematical symbols are like different notes singingout of his mouth, Mr. Kent is the singer.

          兩米多的身高,讓人難以忽視的肚子,這是我們的老頑童Mr. Kent.的典型特征。他響亮的聲音有時候可能會突然嚇你一跳,他喜歡把一切事情用搞怪的聲音講出來,比如在叫你名字的時候,他往往拖長語音:A~man~da。上他的課會感覺很歡快,很有趣。一個個英文單詞和數(shù)學(xué)符號像音符一樣從他嘴中唱出,Mr. Kent就是那位演唱家。

          Go downstairs, turn left, and the first classroom is the Social Studies classroom. Students in Social class are "nervous". "Dada dada", even the footsteps of the stairs are also rapid. Ms. De Beer is a very tough teacher. Shesays if there is not enough time for us to ask her questions, we can write the problems down and drop them into the box which is on the top of the big table in our classroom, so that she can help us. In order to stop us from speaking Chinese, she also designs some areas on the wall, and if someone says Chinese, she will put the name under the "no English" list.

          下樓,左轉(zhuǎn),第一間教室就是社會學(xué)教室。同學(xué)們上社會學(xué)課時是“緊張”的,“噠噠噠噠”就連下樓梯、趕往她的課堂的腳步聲都是急促的。因為,Ms.de beer可不算是個溫柔的老師。在教室的長桌上有一個黃色的小黃人紙箱,Ms.de beer說我們?nèi)绻胁粫膯栴}又不能及時告訴她的話,就把問題寫下來放進(jìn)箱子里,這樣她就能幫助我們。為了不讓我們說中文,她還制作了每一個同學(xué)的人名牌并貼在了墻上,如果有人說了中文就把他列入“沒講英語”的名單里……她就是這樣讓我們又愛又“恨”,“老啤酒”de beer小姐。

          Ms.R is a foreign teacher with standard charming South American appearance. She likes sweet perfume. In the first lesson, we got to know each other by playing games. "If you speak Chinese in class, go out and come in again," she said. It worked, and the students were discussing their own books in English. She always shares interesting videos that she found with us, and makes jokes withus, like friends.


          If you see a group of westernersin short sleeves and slacks on the campus today, say hello to them. They are my cute foreign teachers.


          溫 馨提 示:


              友情鏈接:     淄博文明網(wǎng)  |  淄博市教育局  |
          版權(quán)所有:山東省淄博第十一中學(xué) 2018-2019   

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